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Shagbark Hickory

Carya ovata


** Price includes delivery fees, planting, stabilization kit & mulch

Size: #25 Container

  • Bloom
    Bloom: Spring
  • Bloom
    Height: 60-80'
  • Bloom
    Width: 30-50'
  • Bloom
    Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Bloom
    Soil: Alkaline, Moist, Rich
  • Bloom
    Type: Tree

I’ll give you one guess why it’s called Shagbark Hickory- and it’s not because it was the inspiration for 1970s flooring. Its characteristic peeling, platy bark gives this tree four season interest no matter the location. Strong wood for timber and sweet nuts for wildlife make this tree a historic and contemporary staple of eastern North America. Seed-grown trees are notoriously difficult to transplant but our stock is specially trained and treated to develop a fibrous, easily transplanted root mass.

with every tree order, you’ll receive:

  • Tree delivery
  • Detailed care instructions
  • Diggers Hotline coordination
  • 1-Year Warranty
  • Expert tree installation
  • Access to our sister companies