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Whitespire Birch

Betula populifolia


** Price includes delivery fees, planting, stabilization kit & mulch

Size: #20 Container

  • Bloom
    Bloom: Spring
  • Bloom
    Height: 30'-40'
  • Bloom
    Width: 20'-25'
  • Bloom
    Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Bloom
    Soil: Average, Moist, Well-Drained
  • Bloom
    Type: Tree

Whitespire Birch is an attractive tree with a narrow to pyramidal profile and white, non-exfoliating bark marked with black triangles. Finely textured branching is adorned with brown catkins in early spring, a sure sign of better weather to come. Teardrop- shaped, finely toothed green leaves don branches in early to mid-spring through summer. The foliage drops earlier in the fall after turning a clear yellow.

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